Lake District BJJ Academy Weekly Timetable.

Our beginners membership is designed for adults (16+). You can join right now and start working towards developing a solid base of knowledge  that will benefit you all the way up to becoming a black belt. 

Beginners classes are:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 


+ Friday 18.30-19.30

  • Full live timetable is available on the club app available once you become part of the team!


Our Unlimited Membership is exactly that.

All classes are included, as well as use of Phoenix Fitness Gym + Classes.

Some of the extra classes are:

Advanced Gi – Monday 19.30-21.00

Advanced Submission Grappling Tuesday 20.00-21.00

Competition Class Wednesday 09.30-10.30

Advanced Gi Thursday 20.00-21.00

Open Mat Friday 12.00-13.00

Open Mat Saturday 09.00-10.30

  • Full live timetable available on the club app, available once you become a member of the team!

Our youth team is full of fun, friendly training that will challenge the children mentally and physically.

Classes are Monday, Thursday & Friday every week. 

Age 4-7 is at 16.00-16.45

Age 7-12 is at 16.45-17.30

Age 12-16 is at 17.30-18.30

  • Live Timetable on the club app available once you sign up

Beginners Programme:

The beginners programme is the perfect way to get started.
It is designed so you can join in at any time and not feel lost or out of your depth.
The focus at these classes is to increase your understanding and awareness of the positions, movements and techniques that will be an essential part of your learning from day 1 all the way through.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a fun and engaging way to immerse yourself in effective techniques and movements that will, both, get you fit and build your confidence.

Beginners Classes are:
Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday & Friday  19.00-20.00

Fundamentals are the key to enjoying your Jiu Jitsu journey learning them early on will give you faster development as well as making it safer for you in the early stages.

Mark , 64, Black Belt